Melanie's Challenge: Walchsee 2013


While I cannot exactly recall why I signed up for the triathlon in Austria on September 1, 2013, I know participation is confirmed and the fee paid.

We´ll start in the team category as a girls´ team: Las chicas superpoderosas

The swim is 1.9km in the Walchsee, more or less 21 C, and our definitely competitive star swimmer is Carla from Mexico. Carla used to work with me in Mexico and already then was swimming & running with passion. Since then she moved to Santiago de Chile and is flying over to Europe for the competition, taking advantage and also visiting friends and family.

The bike part, 90km, would be me. So far I´ve never sat on a race bike, and sometimes I wonder which drugs I was on when I signed up. I know I will love the street cycling, but I also know - and my personal trainer makes sure I don´t forget about it - that I will have to train pretty hard for the 90km in a decent time (closer to the date I might communicate my personal goal time LOL). Motivation is not up yet, I easily find excuses when it comes to cycling to work (too cold, too rainy etc), but nevertheless with the date coming closer day by day I´ll have to be a bit stricter with myself. Next steps are cycling consequently to work three times per week, getting a street bike in size 46 and fitting into the weekly schedule at least one 40km+ excursion. Mid July I´ll do with Dominik a short distance in Freiburg, just to get used to the competition atmosphere and the transitions.

The third one in the team is Daniela, my friend from school, who has always been a runner and already logged some half and full marathons. I´m sure she´ll do a great job on the four laps around the Walchsee.

Stay tuned for more training news... And for all who don´t want to miss this and watch live: September 1, 8am, Walchsee, Austria. We´ll be a multinational girls´ team and if not the fastest definitely the cutest!


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