2012 May ~ Drunengalm (2408m) birthday tour

Finally! Sun, snow and a peak for Mela's birthday

After a month of weekends with unstable weather we got lucky for my birthday, and picked the Niesen region for our tour on Christi Himmelfahrt, a bank holiday in Switzerland. 

The mountain range of the Niesen is situated between the valley of Diemtig and Frutigen, about one and a half hours from Basel, or 30 minutes from Bern. 9 peaks, all between 2300 and 2450m high, make up for quite an impressive range, with views of Thuner See and the great Bernese Alps. 

By car up to Springebode, where we purchased the permit do use the private street further up to Undere Drune (1549m). Technically, the hike from there up to the top of Drunengalm (2408m), is signed with 2 hours 20 minutes, which we would have easily undercut, if not..... the snow would have wanted to play a role.  

After 30 minutes hiking over meadows we had reached Obere Drune (1737m), where the snow was still covering the ground, thus also making it a bit more difficult to find the markers of the path. 

Another 45 minutes later, and higher, after going up steep slopes, we decided to have a quick lunch break in the sun, before making the way up the ridge. 

A bit of a tricky ascent, as the path led through a rocky area covered with snow, and there was quite some inclination. However, finally on top, we enjoyed a wonderful view.... 

 The way down was not an easy one either. The snow had warmed up and we slid more than we walked, I spare you the details of me slipping and using my behind as a means to get down. 

To end a spectacular day, a well deserved Hüttenkaffee!  



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