A couple of days off and a hard trekking tour on the horizon.... this just calls for a training ride! What I had clearly misjudged was the state of the paths, so I had to drag my bike several times over fallen trees. But hey, everybody can go biking when the weather is good, but only the tough ones go when it snows - or the crazy ones?? I was the only one out there, but that might just as well have been the case as it was a Monday afternoon. 

Enjoy some pics! 


We met in November, and Stevens was supposed to be my winter training tool to get some shape for the 2012 mountain season.


Stevens MTB

I actually did go out frequently, mostly my “house route”, only 12km, but hilly, better said, one big hill to go up, and after (now) 38 and something minutes there’s 10minutes downhill as reward. I know, you might say, not long, not far, not really high… but I hadn’t sat on a bike in 5 years or so, which is why I took it easy. And, I had started with a time much worse than 38minutes.

The day with probably lowest temps I had EVER been on a bike, I even saw an ice sculpture.

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While I was wearing 3mm think leglings and booties, resembling nearly more a diver than a biker.

But all for the good of training.

Now, as I am partly working from home, I have the huge advantage of being able to also go out for a quickie at lunch or after work, especially as sunset is now so late.

But, more serious stuff is coming up: eventually 4 days from Olten to Lausanne. (yes, critics are right, it is still not long daily distances, but hey, it’s beginning of April, and the year is long).But before, I had to still do another couple of training runs – two with a 8kg backpack, and another one of 350m in altitude, 17k, 1hour 20minutes with some not necessarily voluntary detours.

Oh, did that beer on the top taste good!



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