What am I using. Why. How.
Asking for your feedback as much as giving you my personal opinion.
- Facebook….. yes, I am there. I got a bit quieter I guess than in the beginning though. Now, that we have this blog, I might just also not upload that many pics anymore, rather post the link to the blog and have you look at them here. I do love FB as it makes it so easy for me to keep in touch with my friends all over the world. But my man is right, I don’t want my pictures all the time on somebody else’s server. And even less if they can then just pick and choose (and use) my or my friends’faces for an ad. And just a tip for the lazy ones out there – sit down and take your time to make groups and organize your friends in groups. Tremendous advantage. And, do it soon, it’s not taking less time the more friends you have!
- Instagram….. I won’t ever be a pro photographer, nor do I have the expectation to have hundreds of followers there. But it is kind of fun to play with all the apps to edit pics, post them, and see and learn from the real pro’s and other creative amateurs.
But I can’t go without some critique here either…. Don’t like the “follow me I will follow you back”(again, I don’t care who follows me, but if somebody does he/she should do it because he/she likes my pics…not because I follow them). And, there’s not much sense for me to post food pics, unedited, bad compositions, or screenshots of notes or copied cartoons or something like that.
I might as well try and venture into 500pix… eventually.
- Pinterest. First I declined. Then I signed up. Not doing anything there but posting the one or other recipe. Why would I publish my well kept bookmarks anyway? Interestingly enough, also there, people follow you just for the sake of being followed back. Sorry, wrong address here.
- Maybe, now with the blog up and running, I might just pin the blog entries into categories and drive a bit of traffic to our site. Don’t have small change for SEO anyway.
- Tumblr. Not yet. A day only has 24 hours, and I want to spend some time offline with DO, so thanks, no need yet. Any comments from anybody? Is it just double dipping or does it actually really have an additional benefit?
- Flickr…. Business purpose only…. Not moving my images to all those servers around.
- Youtube… well, I have a user, but honestly, here again, would only use it for business purposes…
- Twitter. Actually, having most fun with that one right now. Working on improving my personal profile, the quality of my content, and measuring myself with THINK. (see quotes). Interesting to look at how often you get retweeted, what gets answered, etc.
There certainly is some tools out there, like sprout social, and some others, but I am still just a person, no big followership, so I won’t pay a monthly fee for analyzing what is common sense if you are on top of it.
Just very annoying recently is all those redlight district users, with very xxx webpages that start following. Personally, just blocking them off and reporting for spam. But twitter should find a better way of keeping spam out.
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